
Well, we know the level of jewish influence the internet is under. You can't open a website without third party requests, they spying on you, and so on and so forth - Kundalini-Browse helps you with that.

You don't need a browser to browse the web - you don't need to open a website to read its content. With Kundalini-Browse, you eliminate tracking, third parties, "spyware".

You don't open the website so it can't spy on you - so what does Kundalini-Browse do? Well, that's the advantage - it downloads web pages in an encrypted and secure way and then takes the meaningful stuff [the text] and just displays it.

No JavaScript, cookies, frames, not even images - just plain text. What's it for? If you want to read JoS content in a secure format, perfect - if you want to read a web page in a secure format, perfect - if you just want security, perfect.

Only pure HTML is enabled, no CSS. About security - since you don't open the web pages, they can't follow you - if you download them, Kundalini-Browse extracts the relevant parts and only displays those.

Kundalini-Browse uses the Mojeek search engine. Initially I wanted to write my own search engine, and I made progress with it, but there is no better search engine than Mojeek. MetaGer was still in the pipeline, but I had problems with MetaGer.

Why does Kundalini-Browse download the pages? Well, the simplest and shortest explanation is that it's the optional - you don't visit the page, you just download the content, and Kundalini-Browse does its thing from there.

What happens if you download a virus? Well, the chances of that are the same as if you open a page with a virus in your browser - BUT because Kundalini-Browse only displays what it needs [the text], the virus doesn't matter.

Kundalini-Browse is for people who can exist without today's modern crap, and don't get menstrual cramps if they don't use some modern crap - Kundalini-Browse is 100% text-based [CLI], no graphic interface.

I'm a programmer who puts efficiency above style and appearance - who gives a shit what it looks like? If it gets the job done, that's what counts. It doesn't matter how many people will use it, because it's really for people who really care about their security.

It's only available for Linux Distributions - Debian, Arch, Fedora, Slackware, OpenBSD - I've developed it to work on any Distribution. It looks even better on OpenBSD, because it's one of the most secure Distros, and it's designed for developers who are programmers and don't mind CLI.

In short - pages are downloaded encrypted and secure, and only what you need is displayed. The pages are full of negative JavaScript code, cookies and a bunch of crap - Kundalini-Browse doesn't deal with all that, just the text you need to read.

You can always delete downloaded files automatically - they do no harm.

Why is it not available on windows? Windows is a fucking jew piece of shit, full of trackers and viruses, I don't waste my time on it. If you use your windows system for SS stuff, you are an open book to the jews. You stand with your mouth open in a big puddle of jew shit.

Kundalini-Project's programs are not for everyone as they are only available for Linux Distributions. Those who use Linux will be happy, those who don't, they don't, it's as simple as that. I use my programs, and if others like them, even better.

Kundalini-Project is not just programs - I have other works in another programming languages, but they take time. I have works specifically for the web, but I also have works specifically just for the system, such as Kundalini-Browse, but I also have my own commands developed for Linux, which I may or may not share.

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