
Well, Kundalini-Crypt is a program written in C and Bash that allows you to encrypt/encode and decrypt/decode files. I don't plan to give too long a description of some of its functions, as they are self-explanatory and I couldn't go into too much detail about them.

You can also encode files and their contents -> This will completely change the contents of the files and will contain characters that are completely unreadable to others. Use it if you want to keep your files safe.

Kundalini-Crypt uses highly secure GPG encryption. I have also created a feature that allows you to "encode" and "decode" plain text. I included this because it might be useful in some cases.

For example, if you type "Hail Satan", it will be "encoded" -> "Lemp$Wexer%". Decoding "Lemp$Wexer%", you get "Hail Satan!". The Bash version doesn't include "Encode" and "Decode", only encryption with GPG, and I added a password generator to generate passwords for encrypted files.

For more information check out the program, I have explained how to use it.

Unlike Kundalini-Notes, all encryption/encoding is done in the folder. In Kundalini-Notes, all notes are stored in the folder, and Kundalini-Crypt makes changes in this folder.

If you choose the "Encode" or "Encrypt" functions, it will create an "encoded" or "encrypted" file, but it will not delete the original file -> you have to do that yourself. The reason it doesn't delete is because if you want to add something else, you can.

As far as "Encode" is concerned, don't be alarmed if the contents of your file are turned into completely meaningless characters/symbols -> that's the whole point of "Encode". With "Decode" you will be able to restore the content of your files just the same, don't worry about it.

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