Well, Kundalini-Crypt is a program written in C and Bash that allows you to encrypt/encode and decrypt/decode files. I don't plan to give too long a description of some of its functions, as they are self-explanatory and I couldn't go into too much detail about them.
You can also encode files and their contents -> This will completely change the contents of the files and will contain characters that are completely unreadable to others. Use it if you want to keep your files safe.
Kundalini-Crypt uses highly secure GPG encryption. I have also created a feature that allows you to "encode" and "decode" plain text. I included this because it might be useful in some cases.
For example, if you type "Hail Satan", it will be "encoded" -> "Lemp$Wexer%". Decoding "Lemp$Wexer%", you get "Hail Satan!". The Bash version doesn't include "Encode" and "Decode", only encryption with GPG, and I added a password generator to generate passwords for encrypted files.
For more information check out the program, I have explained how to use it.
Unlike Kundalini-Notes, all encryption/encoding is done in the folder. In Kundalini-Notes, all notes are stored in the folder, and Kundalini-Crypt makes changes in this folder.
If you choose the "Encode" or "Encrypt" functions, it will create an "encoded" or "encrypted" file, but it will not delete the original file -> you have to do that yourself. The reason it doesn't delete is because if you want to add something else, you can.
As far as "Encode" is concerned, don't be alarmed if the contents of your file are turned into completely meaningless characters/symbols -> that's the whole point of "Encode". With "Decode" you will be able to restore the content of your files just the same, don't worry about it.
In this short post, I'll show you just one of my updates; the rest will follow later.
Now, all my SS Brothers who use the Kundalini-Project programs will have come across Kundalini-Crypt; with Kundalini-Crypt you can easily encrypt files, and with Kundalini-Encode you can easily encode their contents.
Since Kundalini-Crypt and Kundalini-Encode were originally part of the same program, I have now separated them and made them two separate programs. Kundalini-Crypt used to use an intensive and strong encryption, GPG, but now it also offers AES-256 encryption.
I plan to add more encryption algorithms, but that is for the future.
So for starters, let's look at encoding:
$ kundalini-encode -encode FILE1 FILE2
The "FILE1" contains this message -> "In this post I will introduce my Kundalini-Crypt & Kundalini-Encode programs.".
Where "FILE1" is the file to be encoded and "FILE2" is the output, i.e. the contents of the encoded file. Now we have implemented the contents of "FILE1" into "FILE2" where they are encoded;
$ cat FILE2
You can see that the contents of the file are not readable to prying eyes; let's encrypt this file with AES-256, then with GPG;
$ kundalini-crypt -encrypt-aes FILE2 AES_ENCRYPTED_FILE2 password
Here, "FILE2" is the one we want to encrypt with AES [FILE2 previously encoded], "AES_ENCRYPTED_FILE2" is where we will put the content of encoded "FILE2" to be encrypted with AES, and "password" is where we will enter the password. Don't forget it, because this is the password we will use to decrypt the file.
To generate a password;
$ kundalini-crypt -gen-pass
You may store this password in a safe place, for example in KeePassXC.
Now "FILE1" is encoded and encrypted with AES-256 and password protected. This is monumental, multi-step security, but for example I'll go further and add GPG encryption;
$ kundalini-crypt -encrypt-gpg AES_ENCRYPTED_FILE2.kundalini.aes
GPG will ask for a password, where you also need to enter a password. Initially, "FILE1" contained only text where sensitive information was stored. Now we encoded it first, then used AES encryption, finally with GPG.
Note that this is multi-step encryption and security; cracking this requires a very, very high level of knowledge, and with Kundalini-Crypt & Kundalini-Encode you can keep your files monumentally secure. You don't have to worry about anyone seeing the contents of your files.
You can use encryption for simple files, for example;
$ kundalini-crypt -encrypt-aes FILE1 ENCRYPTED_AES aBjzxF4qIcMf05i1Fitz1SXP3PaLxsyZ1RaIfcZRAYk+satfZ+y+ha1WQ8IMXHkh9IdSHdZ2DV/99BFVMR/OwdCs=
The password of the file is "aBjzxF4qIcMf05i1Fitz1SXP3PaLxsyZ1RaIfcZRAYk+satfZ+y+ha1WQ8IMXHkh9IdSHdZ2DV/99BFVMR/OwdCs=" - just an example. If on top of all this, you store your files in a VeraCrypt encryption, you have nothing to worry about.
To decrypt [it gets a bit complicated from here];
$ kundalini-crypt -decrypt-gpg AES_ENCRYPTED_FILE2.kundalini.aes.gpg
Then the GPG encryption has been decrypted, now it's time for AES;
$ kundalini-crypt -decrypt-aes AES_ENCRYPTED_FILE2.kundalini.aes DECRYPTED_FILE aBjzxF4qIcMf05i1Fitz1SXP3PaLxsyZ1RaIfcZRAYk+satfZ+y+ha1WQ8IMXHkh9IdSHdZ2DV/99BFVMR/OwdCs=
Now, the AES encryption is decrypted there's only the encoded content we started with;
$ kundalini-encode -decode DECRYPTED_FILE DECODED_FILE
That's it! We can see the original content of the file;
In this post I will introduce my Kundalini-Crypt & Kundalini-Encode programs.
To install Kundalini-Crypt & Kundalini-Encode;
$ tar -xvf Kundalini-Crypt-Updated.tar.gz && cd Kundalini-Crypt && sudo make install-666
Note; To use Kundalini-Crypt & Kundalini-Encode, please study its use carefully! It provides very high security, however, you can easily mess things up. If you forget the password somewhere, even I can't help you recover the original contents of the original file.
The AES-256 and GPG encryption algorithms are intense on their own, but when you combine them, they provide even more security. Never, ever forget the password to your files, or you can kiss them goodbye.
If you have any questions about using it, feel free to write me a private message here or contact me by email [the latter is more optional]. I wrote Kundalini-Encode in C and Kundalini-Crypt in Bash.
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